Monday, September 27, 2010

Responsible, Exciting and Different - Hendrik

I had a really good placement: St Patrick's College Silverstream. The school as such is not too big and I had heaps of diffrent tasks during the day. The facility I was staying in was the best possible I think.

1. a) In my freetime: The traveling around New Zealand is just amazing.
b) During work: The McEvedy Shield competetion and the Wellington College Traditional were just amazing!
2)Proabaly the afternoon in the boarding house when I was in charge of the kids and when I coached the a team at the Triathlon Secondary Schools Nationals.
3)The people and their attidute towards other people. The people are very friendly and allways open for small talk.

Responsible, Exciting and Different - Andrew and Ben

Both Ben and Andrew have been volunteering at Palmerston North Boys High School.

1. Responsible— Coaching an unbeaten Rugby team as well as a football and hockey team. This involved training throughout the week and taking them on Saturday morning.
2. Exciting— The 124m bungy in
Queenstown, unbelievable experience.
3. Different- Attitude towards sport from a young age. A lot more serious and

1. Responsible— I run (supper) toasties on Wednesday night, with efficiency, speed and authority.
2. Exciting— Completing the
Tongariro Crossing with the year 13’s was an exciting accomplishment
3. Different—Generally more laid back society.                                  

Responsible, Exciting and Difference - Laura

I have been working at Nelson College for Girls in the school and in the boarding house (CJ House). I have absolutely loved it and am really going to miss it a lot.
At CJ House it tradition that the gap students put on a gappers quiz just before they leave. Me and Natalie did a WOW (world of wearable arts) recycled themed quiz. We got all the girls to dress up in clothes they had made from recycled things and take part in the quiz. It was a really fun night and everyone got into the spirit of it.
The most exciting thing I did whilst at NCG was probably going on the kayaking trip with the year 13's to Abel Tasman. It was such a fun trip and we got to kayak for 3 days as well camp and tramp.
The most responsible thing that I have done in my placement would probably being on overnight alarms at CJ. 3 times a week me and Natalie would be responsible to turn off any of the burgalar alarms that went off and also respond to texts from girls in the night if there were problems.
I would say that the thing most different between NZ to England is that NZ as a country seems much closer and the people seem to want to help each other more. It just seems a much more laid back place to be.
I have loved my time in NZ and have made some great friends from all over the world. Travelling NZ in the holidays has been the most amazing thing and I will miss it a lot. I want to thank Lattitude and NCG/CJ House for all they have done for me over the last year and for giving me such an amazing opportunity.